Girilambone Railway Station. 28-04-2024.


A Few Photos of the Girilambone Railway Station,

The reason being there are reports on the Internet, that, it could be opening soon.

August 2020, Restoration works had just started, and, I was fortunate to go on site to take my Photos.

A New Toilet Block was built, an underground tank was installed, and over the last 3.5 years the two other buildings have been restored.

In March 2022, 2 Railmotors/ Railcars, were brought on site, to be used as a Dining area in the future, as far as I am aware.

The Railcar Photos are from Bernie Proctor's collection, Permission was granted to use them.

March 2023.

March 2023. The Railcars/Railmotors have been moved down further along the Platform.


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